Florian Pichler

Flo goes on tangents

Blogging for your amusement and my chance to remember things.
Pictures and ramblings about tech, making, and baking.

We went to Lajpat Nagar market to buy dress shoes for the main event and a nice golden yellow kurta for the haldi ceremony for me. I got fitted for a turban that will be wound for me, too.

Which means I'm done shopping for the wedding and we can spent a few days doing touristy things.

Qutab Minar

Shopping wedding attire in New Delhi

I found a really nice indo western style sherwani for the main event. Now I just need one or two more outfits for the other days, fitting shoes and a turban.

Don't expect pictures before the actual wedding. No spoilers.

While we managed to get some really nice and authentic food, I was too hungry and jet-lagged at the time to take any pictures either. More pictures are due once we finish hopping from shop to shop.

Normally we would have more time, but it's wedding season in Delhi, so any alterations that need to be done barely make it in time for the event.

Your Uber comes with perfectly normal decorations

Good connections at our hotel in New Delhi

Heading East

Less than a week until our flight to India. Our route will take us from New Delhi to Agra to Jaipur and back again.

Fun with Pixels

I blame CircuitPython, but I began to dabble with tiny computer chips a while ago, and it’s refreshingly constraining. Adding OLED or RGB matrix displays to these projects is plenty of fun, and it rekindled my love for pixel art, too.

My little 1-Bit Astronaut

Back Home

The jet lag could be worse. Drinkable tap water, a shower with decent water pressure, and a proper mixing valve make up for it.

Up and down again

Tourists doing touristy things in Fog City.

Painted Ladies

We took a picture of some okay examples of the architecture at Alamo Square.

Sutro Tower

Went to Haight street for the retro hippie vibes and caught a look at the famous broadcasting tower on Twin Peaks.

Very cold ocean, but a decent view

Went to Baker Beach to catch the Golden Gate Bridge from another angle.

Rode a Cable Car home to the hotel. They remain the most whimsical mode of transport. I like whimsical.

It has changed in the last decade and not everything for the better, but it remains San Francisco.

2272 miles / 3656 kilometers

We made it back to San Francisco.

Lazy Sunday

Lounging at the hotel pool in Santa Clara and planning our last two days in San Francisco.

Muir Woods

Giant redwoods

Some of these trees are older than a millennium and stand tall even after fires. The forest feels serene and alive, and I can only feel humble next to these wooden giants.

Seeing everything so green and water flowing is a refreshing contrast to the wild desert landscapes we saw earlier in our travels.